Sustainability is for us common sense and not a trend or duty. It’s part of all we do, we produce and what we sell. At Pssbl, we want to leave a positive footprint — and if we can make something better, we will. We think of sustainability as a holistic circle that never stops turning!
Respect the People and the Planet.
We are consciously aware of our social and ecological responsibility and actively shape the future.
And we know: we all have to contribute to make a difference. We keep this in mind when we design our products, in choosing the material and our production and logistic partners. That’s why we work with certified family-run factories to guarantee fair and safe working conditions and environmentally friendly production. Source as many parts of our products as possible from recycled or biodegradable materials and always keep our responsibility for our environment in mind.
But our activism took us one step further. Already before the launch of our first products, we started building up an educational project in Cambodia. Supporting local communities at Tonle Sap Lake with infrastructure for recycling and building up education programs to inform about plastic pollution and ways to reduce plastic waste. After nearly 6 years the project became wings and plastic reduction has become a prominent topic in the lake communities. Giving them the base for a long-term change and us the assurance: It’s possible to make a difference.